I’m so excited to share some of my goals for the coming year with you all today! Tomi over at GoodTomiCha inspired me to write up some of my goals for my blog for 2018 and I’m so glad she did. Check out her blog for some amazing fashion and lifestyle goodness! I’m so excited to see what is in store for 2018 for Hey, Haley and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

Write Quality Content

First and foremost, I want to write excellent blog posts. I want to be creative, interesting, and refreshing, and I want to make people eager to see what I have coming next. I hope to grow in my writing skills, use a larger vocabulary, and become a more effective writer in how I plan posts.

Blog Weekly

I definitely want to focus on quality over quantity. That being said, I still plan on blogging regularly. In fact, I’m required to blog weekly at a minimum in order to stay a part of the InfluenceHer Initiative which I will discuss in more detail later. I would love to blog more often than weekly, so I will reassess my time as the year goes on!

Stick to a Schedule

I plan on developing a stricter schedule for blogging, both for putting time aside to write and also for sharing content. In order to blog regularly (at least weekly), I will need to have writing prompts and ideas ready and planned several weeks in advance to make my time more efficient. I would like to set aside at least an hour a week for brainstorming and planning for the rest of the month.

Make Real Connections with other Bloggers

I’ve seen in the past how possible it is to create relationships with other Etsy makers through Instagram, so I’m eager to get connected with other bloggers! I was thrilled to be accepted into the InfluenceHer Collective, a group of over 1,000 bloggers who are given a lot of resources both through a blogging hub and through each other online. I know I will learn a lot from them this year and hopefully make some lasting friendships! I plan on collaborating with other bloggers a few times throughout the years, either for guest posts or giveaways.

Get Published on Other Websites

It has been over a year since I was published online somewhere and I’d love to get published in Relevant Magazine online again or with a similar publication. I will be doing research to find other websites to submit my writing to as well.

Grow my Blog’s Instagram and Pinterest Accounts

Pinterest and Instagram are huge for gaining blog readers, so I will be putting a lot of focus on these two platforms in order to grow my Hey, Haley community. I would like to get a better process for preparing graphics to go along with my posts to make them easier and quicker to share online.

What are your 2018 goals, whether for blogging or just general life? Comment below!